Business Office » Business Office

Business Office

Welcome to Gananda Central School District's Business Office. We ensure that the business needs of the district are running smoothly from district payroll, district mail, school tax questions, and much more! 

The office is open daily from 7:30am-3:30pm and is located in the Richard Mann Elementary School Building. Our address is: 
Gananda Central School District
Business Office
1366 Waterford Road  
Walworth, NY 14568
You may also contact the following with business related questions:
Chief Finance & Operations Officer: Natalie Melnik
[email protected] 315-986-3521 ext. 8-4365
Assistant to Chief Finance & Operations Officer: Emily DiRienzo
[email protected] 315-986-3521 ext. 8-4338
Payroll Clerk: Alexandra Johnson 
[email protected] 315-986-3521 ext. 8-4318
District Treasurer: Kathryn Johnson 
[email protected] 315-986-3521 ext. 8-4337
Accounts Payable Clerk: Natiley Gilbert
[email protected] 315-986-3521 ext. 8-4317
School Tax Collector (Located in the Gananda Middle School): Staci Harrison
[email protected]  315-986-3521, ext. 8-2423