Parents & Community » Parent Education Nights

Parent Education Nights


**Free childcare available for those who register!**



Wednesday, January 15th

6:30-7:30 PM

Ruben A Cirillo High School Auditorium

Positive Parenting: Building Stronger Relationships Between Parents and Children

Presented by: The Council on Alcoholism of the Finger Lakes 


Brief presentation based on Triple P Parenting- an evidence based program with the main goals of increasing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents and reducing the prevalence of mental health, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to develop the skills they need to do well at school, build friendships, and feel good about themselves. Triple P does not tell people how to parent but rather gives parents simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their values, beliefs, and needs. 


Wednesday, February 26th

6:30 PM

Gananda Middle School Auditorium


Understanding and Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Child (Family Counseling Services of the Finger Lakes)

We invite all parents and caregivers to join us for an informative and supportive evening focused on understanding and responding to your child’s LGBTQ+ identity. During this event, we will provide an overview of the experiences a child may go through when coming out, how parents can offer support, and address the range of emotions parents might experience when their child identifies as LGBTQ+.

Our goal is to create a safe space where you can learn more about the challenges your child may face and explore ways to foster open communication and understanding. We’ll also offer resources and guidance on processing your own feelings, as well as information about the support services available through our agency to help you on this journey.

Whether your child has already come out, or you’re just looking to learn more, this event will equip you with valuable tools to help you navigate and support your child’s path toward self-discovery and acceptance.

Thursday, March 20th

6:30 PM

RACHS Library

* Parents only program


Hidden in Plain Sight (Council on Alcoholism and Addictions of the Finger Lakes)

Parents, or anyone who has a relationship with teens, know there’s a lot to keep up with
in the fast moving world of young adults. The latest trends in fashion, video games,
music, social media outlets…the list seems endless. But what about trends in drug and
alcohol use? Would you even know what they are, or what to look for?

Well there’s help with that. “Hidden in Plain Sight, Telling Their Secrets,” a program
developed by The Council on Alcoholism and Addictions of the Finger Lakes is designed
to help parents, teachers and others learn about current local drug trends.

Even if your child is not using drugs or alcohol, this program provides information that
is important for anyone who has a relationship with young adults.

“The purpose is to raise awareness and start conversations about drug and alcohol
abuse,” said Timothy VanDamme, executive director of the Council on Alcoholism and
Addictions of the Finger Lakes.” We all need to work together to raise healthy families
and keep our children and community safe. “

As part of the program, adults are taken through a replica of a teen’s bedroom to identify
objects that could signal possible warning signs of substance use. The room is outfitted
with a bed, dresser, desk and chair. Clothing, food and drink containers are lying about.
The desk is covered with “mementos,” pictures, and posters hang on the wall.

Wednesday, April 9th

6:30 PM

RACHS Library

Youth Mental and Behavioral Health: Knowing the Signs and Seeking Support


Molly Pulinski, LCSW will provide an overview of the whole wellness model and defining mental health, knowing warning signs that may indicate need for support, and how to seek support for your child


Brittany Banks CASAC will explain healthy vs risk behaviors, knowing when habits become problematic, overview of youth substance use treatment and how to get connected


Thursday, May 22nd

6:30-7:30 PM

Ruben A Cirillo High School Auditorium

Internet safety/Digital citizenship- “Public and Permanent” (Richard Guerry, IROC2)


* Program recommended for participants ages 12+

  • The nationally acclaimed, Public and Permanent® Live Event is N. America's most sought after live program developing Digital Consciousness™ (mindfulness), empathy and safety.
  • It is unique in that it does not solely focus on existing trends such as "sexting" and "cyberbullying", rather it communicates a necessary and preventative thought system or mindfulness that serves as the foundation for a uniform and proactive solution to any digital issue.
  • This is a unique and preventative program influencing positive behavior and good judgment with powerful digital tools.
  • It offers information via a highly energetic presentation with illustrative multimedia content exposing real world examples of the promise of positive decision making and the pitfalls that can ensue from continued blind and misinformed use of [digital] tools and technologies.
  • This critically acclaimed event is highly effective as it is designed to instill a vital and preventative thought system around the use of digital tools and technologies, thus fixing the "Cause" (poor decision making), reducing negative "Effects" like sexting and cyber bullying.
  • It is guaranteed that every individual attending this program will receive the information necessary to understand how to proactively avoid making a life altering mistake with any form of current or future digital technology! Further, they will comprehend their accountability when utilizing interactive digital tools and technologies.
  • The Institute and its Speakers Bureau are the ambassadors to Digital Enlightenment™, and desire to construct a global digital community free of negative and sometimes irreversible consequences resulting from uninformed poor digital judgment.
  • The Institute strives to achieve this goal via this Live Event and the reinforcement materials we leave behind by demonstrating how digital actions can become Public and Permanent™ - and how to make this mindset work FOR you!

